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Call centers...
Call centers- (Types of call center)
Inbound :- The call center which mainly receives call’s are known as Inbound call center.
Outbound :- The call center’s which make’s calls are known as Outbond call center’s.
Non-voice contact centers :- Do the back hand work only.
The era of call center business success have just begun. The reasons why call center have seen such a enormous success are!
  1. Foreign exchange is the key factor that played a impoetant role in making call center feasible & successful business.
  2. Largely no field work & even can be done from home.
  3. It is effective way of conviencing & prospecting.
  4. Separate existing customers.
  5. Establish relationships & resect(for you) beyond normal sales responsibilities.
  6. You can effectively troubleshoot query or problems of clients/customers without beingphysicaly present at customers site.
  7. Cost effectiveness
  8. Very high returns for investors.
  9. It is key to fresh oppurtunities.
  10. Call center alone can create & build a business in its own right-because calling is effectively the ability to make things happen- whereas every other business activity needs cold calling to start up & survive.
  11. Call center are entirely self sufficient & ultimately are not dependent on anyone or anything
  12. Range of countries to whom Indian call center’s caters to-
  • international are- U.S.A, U.K, Canada & Australia
  • 53rs/$ and 80rs/euro.
Call center is one of the best business opportunity available in the current business scenario & call center in small cities can definitely survive and grow with rapid pace because small cities have everything that is required for call centers talented trainable youth technology to name a few.
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